how cool is this?!
this is the coolness of working at airshow.
and hellos!
welcome to this blog.
today 1st day of work
it was okay i guess..
goin there wondering how it will be..
then long bus trip.
and reach there!!
my ic is nice!
sooo yea!
i'll be expecting good times!
well well well..
and today they had some bomb sweeping in the chalet.
and so had to go to exibition hall.
that explains my photo up there! haha
hmm.. cool huh?
got lots more!
and tmrw will be seeing planes fly! woo!
okay then.
i have to wake up like 4am to prepare tmrw!
sian!! tired leh!
gonna sleep in the taxi to hotel.
and from hotel to changi will got bus ??
gonna sleep too..
will be freakin tired lah!
but well..
for the money..
tmrw start payin us 7.50bucks per hr le!
alrights then.
time to go sleep le uhh..
have to wake up early..
worst than goin sch.. aha!
and follow my twitter please??
i'll use it regularly. soo.. yea.
thks loads!
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